
Wednesday 11 December 2013

It Begins


I'm Laura, a Melbourne dweller and mother of one cute little cherub. The inspiration for this blog came about after the recent discovery of some food allergies (Dairy & Egg) and chronic inflammation located around the outside of my liver due to Cesarean complications 8 months ago. My Doctor advised that it could take up to a couple of years to recover and be pain-free which shocked me but I'm not very good and taking no for an answer...

And so I embark on an exciting journey to health and healing through beautiful & nutritious food. I will be posting recipes, food ideas, ideas for alternative ingredients and many things I find of interest. I recently stumbled across an excellent book with great information about decreasing inflammation through changing your diet. Below is the cover to the book and some great excerpts.

I welcome you on this journey of health and fulfilment

Clean Cuisine is the title of the book, Ivy Ingram Larson was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in her early 20's and credits keep her condition under control and even in remission to her anti-inflammatory diet, as outlined in the book.  

A 'food pyramid' of sorts to describe which anti-inflammatory foods you should be eating the most of.

Some further information about inflammation.

I have found the book to be very valuable as a great starting point to assist in reducing inflammation and leading a healthy lifestyle.

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